Nintendo’s tradition of feast or famine within its digital marketplaces continues, as this week the company clearly hopes that fans are ready to glut themselves on the wealth of content that its brought to the table. Read on for all the games and DLC hitting the various eShops!
Switch eShop
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Expansion Pass: The Master Trials – $19.99 (also available on Wii U)— Remember that $20 you plunked down for Breath of the Wild‘s Expansion Pass way back at the beginning of March? Well, Nintendo’s finally making good on your purchase, as the first of two DLC packs has finally arrived. The Master Trials is bringing with it a ton of new content. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:
- Trial of the Sword: Battle waves of enemies in order to unlock the true power of the Master Sword.
- Hard Mode: Tougher enemies that also slowly recover health as battles unfold. Enemies have heightened awareness and can spot Link easier. There are also floating platforms with baddies on them; reach the planks, fight the enemies, and get treasure.
- Hero’s Path Mode: Track Link’s footsteps for the past 200 hours of gameplay (applied retroactively, so no need to start anew). Allows players to retrace where they’ve been and uncover secrets yet to be found.
- Korok Mask: Wear it and the mask will quiver near Koroks.
- Travel Medallion: Create a custom travel point anywhere on the map; limited to one spot at a time.
- New Equipment: Majora’s Mask, Midna’s Helmet, Tingle’s Outfit, and Phantom Armor.
Don’t forget, your $20 also grants access to the second DLC pack, The Champions Ballad, which will be dropping this holiday season.
ACA NeoGeo Magical Drop II – $7.99—Fans of Bust-a-Move (or Bubble Witch Saga, shame on you) and/or puzzle games would do well to give Magical Drop II a peep. Rather than launch and ricochet colored balls skywards to create chains of three, this game asks players to pull chromatic spheres from the top of the playing field and then launch them back upwards to form rows of three.
Gonner – $9.99—A randomly-generated rouglelike platformer that’s garnered a lot of love on PC and Mac. Tough as nails but also very fun!
Wii U eShop
Bonk 3: Bonk’s Big Adventure – $5.99—The final entry in Bonk’s trilogy on TurboGrafx-16, Bonk 3 is a rollicking platformer with a lot of heart.
Devil’s Crush – $5.99—A TurboGrafx-16 horror/gothic-themed pinball game; don’t pretend you can resist a mashup like that!
3DS eShop
Mighty Gunvolt Burst – $9.99—This Mega Man-inspired retro run ‘n gun title just came out on Switch a couple weeks back, and now it’s finally arrived on 3DS. Starring Azure Striker Gunvolt and Beck of Mighty No.9, the game was developed by Inti Creates and is a ton of fun—keep it posted here for a review very soon.
6180 the moon – $3.99 (New 3DS Only)—For those who picked this one up on Wii U, know that it’s the same fun platforming action… but portable! Navigate the upper and lower screens of your 3DS as you guide the moon on its quest to find the sun.
Preview for 07.06.17
You gotta hand it to Hamster; they sure do keep Switch players busy with a plethora of classic games. The ACA series will continue its unprecedented steamroll of killer content next week with the release of Metal Slug 2. The series is like Contra on steroids, which is saying something; every entry in the series is a heck of a ride, so for fans with itchy trigger fingers, be sure to have next Thursday circled on your calendar.
In related news, word has hit the streets that Hamster recently acquired the rights to publish NMK titles under its ACA banner. NMK, which used to be attached to Jaleco, is responsible for the likes of Thunder Dragon, Hacha Mecha Fighter, Zed Blade, and more, releasing titles across a number of different platforms (special thanks to Nintendo Everything for the heads-up on this one).
Click here for all current eShop sales!
And that’s a wrap! Let us know what you think of Nintendo Download Highlights; we’re doing our best to keep it as packed with pertinent information and would love to know if you find this coverage helpful. Until next week, dear readers!
Source: Nintendo