Busy, busy, busy this week! It’s the typical feast or famine scenario when it comes to the eShops, but when there’s food on the table from Nintendo it’s always worth taking a bite. Let’s get to chomping!
Switch eShop
ACA NeoGeo Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors – $7.99—We chatted this one up last week, but just to remind you, Universal Warriors has hit Switch today! For eight bucks you get to enjoy yet another solid fighting game from NeoGeo. Believe us, there might be a lot of them, but it’s truly a good thing that we keep getting more and more titles from the NeoGeo back catalogue.
Thumper – $19.99—This unique shoot ’em up combines music and violence, all wrapped in some exceptionally stunning visuals. Formally on PlayStation, Thumper looks to offer Switch players some epic action to enjoy at home or on the go. It’s super hard though, so keep that in mind before you buy.
Wii U eShop

Darksiders Warmastered Edition – $19.99 (available 05/23)—Whuh…? A Wii U game?! Yep! A good one, too, as Darksiders is a very enjoyable adventure game that made its debut way back in 2010 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. If you liked Darksiders 2 then the original should be a no-brainer for you. For those that didn’t play the sequel, just know that it boasts over the top character designs and action, and has some similarities to The Legend of Zelda series.
3DS eShop
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia – $39.99—This one is huge! The (presumably final) Fire Emblem title to hit 3DS has arrived and it’s looking spectacular. Shadows of Valentia also has a couple of Amiibo in tow based on Alm and Celica are also available, which unlock content in the game like special dungeons. This is a remake of an SNES classic installment of the series and comes stuffed with new features.
There’s also a DLC pack available for $7.99, but you might be better off investing that $44.99 for the Season Pass; in the long run you’ll save 30% off the price of buying every pack separately. If you go the physical route there’s a special edition of the game available, too. Whew! In short this is one expensive game if you go all in, but we’ll see if the quality can compensate for the high price tag that completionists will have to pay.
Cooking Mama: Sweet Shop – $29.99—Cooking Mama is back! Despite the death of Majesco, developer Office Creates has brought another installment of the franchise to 3DS. Expect more of the screen tapping and stylus dragging that has defined the series to date, but this time with a focus on baking.
What a week! What will you be downloading? Share with everyone in the comments!
Source: Nintendo