As I am wont to do, I love to push physical publications whenever I get the chance. Some fans might have already discovered Switch Player magazine already, but did you know that staff is now adding a second title to their lineup boasting a larger size and expanded format? Take a look at the upcoming release of Ninty Fresh Magazine:
If this image makes you think “I really miss [insert #Nintendo magazine name here]” then we are just the thing you need. Like a cross between ONM and Retro Gamer, covering NES to Now. We need you. Support our new print Nintendo magazine from just a fiver!
— Ninty Fresh Magazine (@NintyFreshMag) June 1, 2020
This new sister publication to Switch Player is being booked for an early August release. Ninty Fresh Magazine is currently live on Kickstarter and has smashed through its initial funding goal. As of this writing, $13,746 of the $2,542 that was being sought has been generated. That’s a great, positive response and for those wanting a copy, it’s still possible to make a contribution and order one. Click the widget below to get on the Ninty Fresh train.
“Capturing what the magazine is about with the added benefit of a cheeky pun, the title Ninty Fresh tells you right from the get-go what we want to do. Imagine, if you will, a cross between EMAP’s Nintendo Official Magazine, Future’s Official Nintendo Magazine and a dash of Retro Gamer and NGamer and that’s what we hope to be bringing, all with that Nintendo flavour and familiarity that older magazines brought you. But in 2020. And obviously, with no affiliation to those amazing magazines.
Making your own magazine without advertising support or huge corporate backing is challenging, so this first Issue of Ninty Fresh is going to be an A4 (210mmx297mm) 80-page page-turner and will contain a smorgasbord of Nintendo content crammed into those pages. And no adverts.”
Those are some magazines with very strong pedigrees and a lot of fun love, so here’s hoping that Ninty Fresh can live up to the major hype it has generated. I’ll be onboard from issue one; anyone looking to join the fun? Tell us in the comments and on social media!
Source: Ninty Fresh Magazine Kickstarter