Happy birthday to you Nintendo!
Yes, on September 23 in 1889 a simple hanafuda card shop opened up in Kyoto, Japan. A century and a quarter later, and it’s one of the largest entertainment companies on the planet. Actually, only in the past 45 years or so has Nintendo made video games. The other 80ish years were dedicated to all kinds of strange stuff that built it into what we know today.
Time marches on, and Nintendo has been there through thick and thin. The success of the NES, the floundering of the Virtual Boy, the domination of Wii and Nintendo DS, and the great collective shrug of Wii U– all of these things and more make up the history of one of most adored companies on the planet. As we move forward to see what Nintendo brings us in the future, let’s take a moment to think back on all the good times. How has Nintendo impacted you?
Will Nintendo make it to age 250? Who knows. All we know is that we love playing some good games.
Thanks for the great years, and may more be ahead!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
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Happy birthday to you