Nintendo Shares Hit 15 Month High

Surging thanks to Switch Lite!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 09/20/2019 20:45 Comment on this     ShareThis

Things keep coming up roses for Nintendo as word has come that the company’s stock value is rising. Trading ended this past Wednesday in Tokyo with Nintendo shares at ¥42,390 ($391), the highest that the stock has been worth since right prior to E3 2018. That’s a roughly 15-month window since trading for the House of Mario has been that good!

This windfall is being accredited to the launch of Nintendo Switch Lite (which just hit stands today). The portable-only version of Nintendo’s flagship hybrid console is being sold for a more budget-friendly $200 (compared to the $300 asking price of the original). Despite being devoid of the ability to dock and be played on a TV, it’s anticipated that Switch Lite will cause a surge in console sales for the company, thus the stock boost.


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