Nintendo Reveals the Most Popular Amiibo

Does your favourite make the list?

By Jon Stevens. Posted 02/03/2016 15:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

During a recent investor meeting, Nintendo revealed which Amiibo figures have sold the highest number of figures in each region.

As translated by Twitter user Chesemeister3k, the sales figures reveal the following as the most popular:

North America:

  1. Link
  2. Bowser
  3. Toon Link
  4. Mewtwo
  5. Sonic
  6. Pikachu
  7. Classic Mario
  8. Pac-Man
  9. Mega Man
  10. Ganondorf


  1. Classic Mario
  2. Link
  3. Squid
  4. Green Yarn Yoshi
  5. Mario
  6. Smash Mario
  7. Pikachu
  8. Inkling Boy
  9. Toad
  10. Inkling Girl


  1. Inkling Girl
  2. Squid
  3. Inkling Boy
  4. Mario
  5. Classic Mario
  6. Modern Mario
  7. Isabelle
  8. Kirby
  9. Green Yarn Yoshi
  10. Digby

During the same meeting, Nintendo also announced that 31 million Amiibo have now been shipped around the globe, with 9.9 million of these shipped in the last quarter. More specifically, it revealed that 20.5 million Amiibo have been sold so far, which works out at around 1.60 Amiibo for every Wii U owner.

These figures either show a high adoption rate by Wii U owners, or that collectors are buying every Amiibo figure they can get there hands on– something that wouldn’t be surprising given how quickly new figures sell out.

Indeed, apart from Nintendojo’s Craig Harnett (who feels too old for the Amiibo craze), Nintendo fans seem to be loving the figurines. Even the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD will release alongside another new Amiibo, and Zelda-themed Amiibo will also be able to function with the game.

What do you make of the Amiibo rankings? Is your favorite represented? Let us know in the comments.

Source:  IGN

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