Nintendo Now Wholly Owns Monolith Soft

The makers of Xenoblade are finally fully part of the Nintendo family.

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 12/11/2024 14:27 Comment on this     ShareThis

Monolith Soft has been plugging away making its beloved Xenoblade games for quite some time now. Besides that, the studio has also played an integral part in helping to craft some of Nintendo’s most high-profile blockbusters, like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Now, it seems that all of this hard work has paid off, as Nintendo has opted to fully purchase Monolith and make it a proper, exclusive partner.

Nintendo had originally purchased 80 percent of Monolith back in 2007, and in the years since the company has gobbled up more and more shares. As of October 2024, Nintendo owned 2,320 of Monolith’s 2,400 shares. By November, Nintendo suddenly owned it all. Nintendo certainly has a pedigree for cultivating talented studios, with Monolith joining the likes of Retro Studios and Next Level Games, two outfits known for producing truly exceptional games.


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