While Nintendo has fully embraced the ‘free to start’ model in recent years, the publisher still wants to make sure that gamers don’t feel cheated when playing their mobile games.
This comes from a report in The Wall Street Journal, which reported that Nintendo has apparently asked developers that it has partnered with on mobile games to limit the number of potential micro transactions which they include.
One official from the parent company behind Cygames (developer of Dragalia Lost) has apparently said that: “Nintendo is not interested in making a large amount of revenue from a single smartphone game. If we managed the game alone, we would have made a lot more“.
Of course, these comments also highlight that not all developers share Nintendo’s ethos on this. Then again, Nintendo is in a position where it doesn’t have to rely on the income of just one game and, of course, it has an existing reputation to live up to.
Do you think that games like Fire Emblem Heroes and Dragalia Lost have less microtransactions than other mobile games? Let us know in the comments.
Source: Nintendo Life