It’s another extra busy week of software releases! Read on to find out which games should be on your radar.
Switch eShop
Sonic Mania – $19.99 (Available 08.15.17)—The marquee title of the week (well, more like early next week, but I digress), Sonic Mania has a metric ton of hype behind it. Whether it will live up to that hype… well, we’ll be sure to let you know with a review! In the meantime, know that things are at least looking positive for Sonic and his latest 2D platformer.
ACA NeoGeo The King of Fighters 2000 – $7.99—We’ve had a break from the wealth of NeoGeo fighting games that ACA has up its sleeve, but this week we’re graced with the excellent The King of Fighters 2000.
Flip Wars – $9.99—Nintendo’s panel-flipping multiplayer title has finally arrived. There’s no single-player to speak of, so this one will live and die by how fun it is to send opponents soaring into the sky as you flip panels to match your avatar’s color.
Severed – $14.99—We rather enjoyed Severed when it dropped on Wii U and 3DS last year, but there’s a caveat to this Switch version of the game: it can only be played in tablet mode! We’ll freshen up our review soon to let you know what we think of this change.
Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition Demo – Free—The Wii U powerhouse is coming to Switch in September. Sample its majestic gameplay and sumptous visuals with this demo!
3DS eShop
Monster Hunter Stories Demo – Free—The first RPG Monster Hunter is coming West, so dip your toes into the series first spin-off with this demo.
Wii U eShop
Final Soldier – $5.99—Konami keeps pumping out these TurboGrafx oldies for Wii U’s Virtual Console and we couldn’t be happier about it. Vertical scrolling shooting with a touch of masochism in that wonderful, old school arcade style.
Soldier Blade – $5.99—Another vertical shooter; Final Soldier was technically a part of this series.
Check out this week’s discounts here!
Preview for 08.17.17
Chicken Wiggle – $14.99—Atooi is one of the studios that came from the Renegade Split and this is its first release. Chicken Wiggle is a platformer with a dedicated level creator similar to Super Mario Maker, it boasts excellent pixel graphics and tight controls. Full review on this one very soon, but we can confidently tell you it’s shaped up to be a winner.
That’s a wrap! What will you be downloading this week?
Source: Nintendo