Nintendo Directs to Go On

Nintendo still plans to deliver its announcements directly to you.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 09/15/2015 19:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

The sad and sudden passing of Nintendo CEO, Satoru Iwata, in July left a great many questions in the air regarding the future of the beloved video game developer. While there were more pressing concerns such as who would succeed Iwata or what impact it might have on the future of the company, many fans undoubtedly couldn’t help but wonder if the much loved Nintendo Directs would continue.

In a statement to IGN, Nintendo announced, “Nintendo Directs will continue but we have no details to provide now on who will be featured or the topics that will be covered.”

So while it seems not even Nintendo is really ready to reveal what direction the Directs will take, it is nice to know that the highly entertaining and informative presentations will continue. While it would be nice to see the new president, Tatsume Kimishima, take part, we can’t forget that frequent contributors like Shigeru Miyamoto and Bill Trinen are still around, and we can only assume that Reggie’s body is still ready.

Source: IGN

One Response to “Nintendo Directs to Go On”

  • 0 points

    Well this is good news, I guess. I always watched these when I had the chance, will be interesting to see who does it from here on out. Probably a variety of people no doubt.

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