Well, that was out of nowhere. A new, free-to-start Kirby arena fighter game has just launched in the Nintendo eShop! Super Kirby Clash is available now and boasts four-player multiplayer matches where squads take down a variety of Kirby foes. It’s also possible to craft weapons in the game in order to make these battles more manageable. Players choose a Role (think character classes) and pitch in via either online or local wireless play (using just a Joy-Con controller).
All of this sounds cool, but beware, as Super Kirby Clash does feature microtransactions. The in-game currency is called Gem Apples and can be bought with funds earned while playing or with (wait for it) actual cash. Gem Apples replenish something called Vigor (which seems to tie into how soon players can engage in new battles and resets over time) or used to get new quests, armor, and so on. How invasive Gem Apples are will have to be determined once the game has been in the wild for a bit, but in the interim it’s certainly worth at least giving the title a look.
We’ll update once we’ve given Super Kirby Clash a proper go and will let everyone know if it handles its microtransactions with grace or if it’s a horrendous mess.
Source: Nintendo Direct 09.04.19