In 2002, Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast released to strong reception on PC and consoles. The adventures of Kyle Katarn proved to be a hit with players and critics alike. Later this month, Switch owners will get to see what the fuss is about when the title launches on Nintendo’s handheld hybrid September 24!
Developed and published by Aspyr, Jedi Outcast takes place eight years after Return of the Jedi. While the title has no official place in Star Wars continuity thanks to the recent films, the gameplay should be just as enjoyable, regardless! The game features a combination of first and third-person perspectives and 24 single-player missions.
Fans will be happy to know that Star Wars: Jedi Academy will also release on Switch, in early 2020. This will mark the first time Jedi Academy has appeared on a Nintendo console. Are you excited to play Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Nintendo Direct