Shakedown: Hawaii is a fabulous sandbox game that is reminiscent of the old school, topdown Grand Theft Auto games. Sporting a gorgeous 16-bit aesthetic, Shakedown: Hawaii is definitely worthy of a download no matter what platform you want to play it on (and there are many). If, however, you’ve been hankering to play it on 3DS but missed out on a chance to download it before the eShop closed, or if you’re like this writer and enjoy physical media, Vblank has you covered.
Brian “Vblank” Provinciano, the developer and owner of Vblank Entertainment, has announced that physical copies of Shakedown: Hawaii for Nintendo 3DS will be available for purchase next Monday, November 6, 2023. What’s more, there are two versions to buy: 3,000 copies of the standard and 3,000 copies of the Collector’s Edition. The standard edition comes with the game and an instruction manual. If you purchase a Collector’s Edition it will also come with a soundtrack CD and an action figure of the main character. They will sell for $29.99 and $49.99, respectively.

Source: Vblank Entertainment Website