Walmart Accepting DS Trade-Ins
It seems like almost every retailer is getting into the used game business nowadays, and Walmart is the latest company to jump on the bandwagon. The program is being called “Take-back, and Trade-up,” and is being offered from March 27 to April 30. However, it seems as though it is only offered in 12 states. Walmart will give you a different amount of money depending on which DS model you are trading in towards your 3DS, but the trade in values are probably comparable to those of GameStop. An original DS will get you $20, a DS Lite $50, a DSi $75, and a Dsi XL $100. Check with Walmart stores in your area to see if they participate in the program. If they don’t, there’s always GameStop.
Source: Nintendo World Report
Wired Interview Gives Insight to 3DS’ Future
In an interview with Wired at GDC, Nintendo 3DS producer Hideki Konno let loose on a couple of possibilities for the system’s future. When he was asked about the idea of text chat, he seemed to imply that there is a chance for it in the future. As of right now, you can only see what games your friends are playing, but nothing else. Nintendo plans to update 3DS in the future, so there’s a chance that text chat can be included at a later time. Nintendo is also throwing around the idea of system updates while a system is in sleep mode. Does anyone remember when they said they were going to do this with Wii? I do, and obviously it never happened. Instead of getting an actual update, we were simply told that an update was available. Here’s hoping that Nintendo is serious this time. Konno also mentioned that pricing on the e-shop would NOT be comparable to that of the App Store.
Source: Wired
Mario To Give Organ Lessons
What?! Yeah, I’m not joking. There is a book coming out in Japan that features Mario and will teach you how to play the electric organ. With it you’ll learn to play some Mario classics, along with some newer songs such as Mario Kart Wii‘s Rainbow Road. It releases on April 30, and costs about $29. If you wanted a reason to learn how to play the electric organ, you’ve got one now.
Source: Gameswag