New Pokémon Sun/Moon Trailer Unveils New Pokémon and Features

More version exclusive creatures revealed and old favorites get new powers.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 09/20/2016 13:00 Comment on this     ShareThis


The new Pokémon games are just a few months away and Nintendo isn’t letting up on the momentum, with yet another new trailer unveiling additional creatures and features.

The previously revealed dog-like Rock-type Rockruff will evolve into Lycanroc, but will vary dramatically depending on which version of the game you’re playing. Sun owners will get its Midday version, which is more speed focused, and Moon owners will get its Midnight version, which has stronger attacks.

Also, two new, ape-like Pokémon have been revealed. Passimian is a Fighting-type that will only appear in Sun, while Moon gets Oranguru, a Normal/Psychic type.

New, super powerful Z-Moves were announced a while back, and it has now been revealed Eevee and Pikachu will have their own as well. Eevee gets Extreme Evoboost, which greatly boosts all of its stats, and Pikachu gets Catastropika, an extremely potent electric attack.

It has also been confirmed that character customization is making a return. Like before, you can change up your clothes, but now you have more color options, including hair dye and colored contacts.

Another new option is Pokémon Refresh, a mode that will let you clean, feed, and tend to your Pokémon after a battle. In addition to improving your bond with a Pokémon, refreshing can potentially cure status ailments or lead to benefits in battle, such as improved evasion or the ability to withstand a lethal attack.

Finally, an update will be coming to Pokémon Bank in January of 2017. In addition to giving you better access to the info of all the Pokémon you have from every region, and the Poké Transporter will be made compatible with the Virtual Console re-releases of Red, Blue, and Yellow, so you will be able to more easily transfer your first generation creatures to Sun and Moon.

Be sure to stay on the lookout for more announcements, because if the last several months of constantly flowing information is any indication, then there are still plenty more details coming down the pipeline.

Source:The Pokémon Company

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