Earlier today, several videos leaking new Pokémon in the upcoming Sun and Moon games circulated across the ‘net. An official trailer has since come out, which you can view below:
From the video, the following Pokémon have been announced:
- Drampa, a Normal/Dragon Pokémon.
- Togedemaru, an Electric-type hedgehog.
- Charjabug, a bus-shaped Bug/Electric-type Pokémon.
- Vikavolt, another Bug/Electric-type that seems to be Charjabug’s evolution
- Bruxish, a Water/Psychic-type piranha with prominent lips.
- Cutiefly, a Bug/Fairy-type bee fly.
- Tapu Koko, an Electric/Fairy-type who is the guardian of Meremere Island.
According to Serebii, these all seem to be the localized names for the new Pokémon. We’ll keep you updated as more Sun/Moon news comes out.
Source: Serebii.net