New Pokémon Being Added to Pokémon Go

More details coming December 12.

By Kevin Knezevic. Posted 12/07/2016 15:00 Comment on this     ShareThis


The Pokémon Go phenomenon may have slowed down since the days it sent players running into the streets to catch rare Pokémon, but some exciting updates are still in store for the record-breaking mobile title.

According to the official Pokémon Twitter account, new Pokémon will soon be added to the title. While the account didn’t specify which new monsters players would be able to catch (or even when they’ll be able to encounter them in the wild), it did say that additional details would be divulged on December 12.

Second-generation Pokémon have been rumored for the mobile game since data miners found code for them in Go’s recent update, but this is the first confirmation we’ve had that the Pokédex would be expanded beyond the inital 150 Pokémon. Are you one of the many players still playing Pokémon Go? Are you excited to see monsters from Gold and Silver finally being added to the title? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Twitter (via Eurogamer)

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