Last year, Pokémon Sun and Moon released to immense commercial and critical acclaim, delivering many new features and updates to a franchise long resistant to change. Earlier this year, Nintendo announced plans to capitalize on that momentum with a direct follow-up to those titles in the form of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Not much was said about these sequels at the time, but it now looks we have the a few new details.
Sun and Moon introduced the world to new legendary Pokémon, including Solgaleo and Lunala, the games’ respective cover creatures. For Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, it looks like these Pokémon will return, however, another legendary, Necrozma, appears to play a more significant role in the game’s narrative. The latest issue of Japanese magazine CoroCoro has revealed fusion forms between Necrozma and the other legendaries. Of course, translations are subject to change, but the forms were described as Necrozma Mane of Twilight and Necrozma Wings of Dawn, representing the fusions with Solgaleo and Lunala respectively.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are currently scheduled to be released on November 17, 2017. Given that we are just a few short months away from that date and not much has yet been revealed about these new titles, expect plenty more details between now and then.