Pokémon turns 20 this year (yes, you are getting old!), and Nintendo and The Pokémon Company are looking to pull out all the stops for the series’ milestone celebration. So far, the original three Game Boy Pokémon games heading to the 3DS Virtual Console and a special New 3DS bundle have all been announced as coming to the West, and now we have confirmation of yet more Pocket Monster goodness: a flurry of mythical Pokémon will be distributed for use in Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire!

This is some pretty exciting news for Pokéfanatics, as most mythical Pokémon are extremely hard to come by under conventional means. Nintendo has provided details on which of the Pokémon will be dropping and on what date, but please note below that all of the ‘mon listed will be available from Nintendo Network, with the exception of a handful that are exclusive to GameStop and will thus require footing it over to one of the retail giant’s brick and mortar locations to obtain. The GameStop Pokémon are pointed out for your convenience.
- February: Mew (GameStop)
- March: Celebi
- April: Jirachi
- May: Darkrai (GameStop)
- June: Manaphy
- July: Shaymin
- August: Arceus (GameStop)
- September: Victini
- October: Keldeo
- November: Genesect (GameStop)
- December: Meloetta
As can be seen above, these distributions will be taking place over the entirety of 2016, with one Pokémon set to drop each month. Mew is the first to land, and for fans of the character it might be of interest to know that Nintendo will be making Pokémon the First Movie, Pokémon 2000, and Pokémon the Movie 3 available on a single Blu-ray disc come February 9. The collection is called Pokémon: The Movies 1-3, and can be pre-ordered here. Are you excited to be able to get your hands on these Pokémon? What about Pokémon: The Movies 1-3? Let us know, below!
Source: Pokémon.com