While the Monster Hunter franchise has always been a big a hit in Japan, it was relegated to niche status throughout the rest of the world until recently. However, Capcom recently announced their second quarter results and it included some impressive numbers, largely thanks to Monster Hunter’s newfound global success.
The most impressive financial feat is how their second quarter earnings are literally more than twice what they were for the same time last year, and Monster Hunter contributed in two big ways. First, Monster Hunter World has continued to be a big hit, having now sold more than 10 million units. Second, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate for Switch was finally released outside of Japan and, while Capcom didn’t release specific numbers, they did describe sales as “robust”.
These successes could make the future of the franchise quite interesting. On the one hand, gamers have obviously responded very positively to Worlds and how Capcom has been able to advance the series with more powerful hardware, but on the other hand, the franchise continues to do well on Switch and there is undoubtedly still a large group of fans eager for more portable entries, especially in Japan. As someone with friends who bought and put countless hours into both games, I can easily see Capcom continuing pursuing both approaches.
Source: Nintendo Life