Mighty No. 9 Off to a Rocky Start

Bad download codes, technical issues, and middling reviews hamper much anticipated side-scroller.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 06/21/2016 13:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

When Mighty No. 9 was announced, it immediately achieved levels of hype that most games could only dream of. Of course, the fact that it a spiritual successor to the much loved but often neglected Mega Man franchise and was being developed by one of the men behind that series, Keiji Inafune, seemed to justify the hype. The game’s Kickstarter campaign proved just how excited gamers were with the $3.8 million it raised for the project, but apparently that wasn’t enough to ensure smooth sailing. The project experienced delays, which is especially frustrating for backers who had already put money down, and now that it’s finally been released more problems have emerged.

Mighty No. 9’s launch was big; it is available for most platforms in most major markets and that has presented an issue. The Kickstarter had 67,226 backers, which means there were a lot of download codes that needed to be distributed, and many are reporting having received codes for the wrong system or even the wrong part of the world and backers who put forth the extra money for physical rewards are complaining about a lack of communication about when to expect their goods. Furthermore, there are reports that the Wii U version suffers from overly long load times and the game as a whole is getting mediocre reviews.

Inafune and the studio behind the game, Comcept, still celebrated the launch of the game with a live stream, though some of Inafune’s comments haven’t necessarily done much to help. The legendary developer stated, “I’m not getting my 2D side-scrolling fill. And at the end of the day, even if it’s not perfect, it’s better than nothing.”

In all fairness, Inafune was talking through a translator so it’s definitely likely the original Japanese statement is more positive, but one of the main people behind a project describing it as “better than nothing” doesn’t exactly scream confidence. Of course, the issues with download codes, technical issues, disappointing reviews, and overblown hype don’t help the situation either.

Have you had the opportunity to play the game? (Or are you waiting on the right code?) If so, what are your thoughts so far?

Source: Nintendo Everything, Kotaku

2 Responses to “Mighty No. 9 Off to a Rocky Start”

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    Everybody I know wants to see this game succeed, but everything that could go wrong with it has. Sighhh…

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    I’ve only played the introduction and one additional level so far (and the menu load times are a little silly), but I’ve had much more fun with the game than the recent gloomy reports and low scores had me expecting.

    It takes the later Mega Man games’ approach of explaining things that the early ones would have you discover by experimentation, but everything’s skippable. My only real complaint so far is that the excellent music was too quiet, so I had to crank the volume and turn the effects and voices way down. The gameplay itself feels very good!

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