Metroid Dread is now less than a month away from its October 8 launch date. Which means Nintendo will be squeezing in a few extra tidbits between now and then to help ensure that the anticipation for its release it practically unbearable. Case in point, this new overview trailer showing off fresh footage and features from the game. You can bask in its glory right here:
Amiibo functionality seems useful: the Samus figurine allows for a health refill once per day and grants an additional energy tank, while the EMMI figure refills all missiles and bestows ten extra missiles to Samus’s overall capacity. Each amiibo can be used once per day, which is fairly standard for many of Nintendo’s implementations of the popular toys. Getting hold of a pair of the two amiibo, well… that’s another story entirely. Good luck with that, seeing how pre-orders have been sold out for months.
We discussed the Metroid Dread Report in a previous post, which you can check out here, but in brief it’s a series of articles offering insight into the upcoming game as well as the series as a whole. In the seventh installment of the report, it has been revealed that the Chozo, the race of interstellar beings that raised Samus from childhood, are the antagonists this time around. This is an interesting twist given the history between the two parties. Sharing much of the technology that Samus has in her Power Suit, this could make the Chozo one Samus’s greatest challenges in any game to date.
Source: Nintendo of America Twitter Page