Metal Gear 35th Anniversary Website Spotted

More of a ? than a !

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 03/31/2022 14:06 Comment on this     ShareThis

It’s almost the first of April, also known as April Fool’s Day, so color us skeptical-yet-optimistic about the launch of the metalgear35th website. The below image is all there really is to the new site. The series’ iconic exclamation point with the number 35 replacing the dot at the bottom.

The site has some links towards the bottom of the page that reroute to various Konami links. Konami, however, hasn’t officially acknowledged the website as of yet, so there’s a question of authenticity pertaining to metalgear35th. Is it an actual Konami endeavor or some fan-made oddity? There’s no way of knowing just yet. And although Konami has sparsely populated Nintendo platforms with Metal Gear Solid games of any kind over the years, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that if the company is indeed celebrating the 35th anniversary of the franchise, Switch players might be part of the festivities. We’ll keep you all posted.

Source: metalgear35th

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