Sigh. Toys “R” Us and that dastardly giraffe Geoffrey have unveiled their third exclusive Amiibo, the extremely lovable-looking and slightly enormous Mega Yarn Yoshi. Ouch. Yet another Amiibo to stand in line hours for, wading through a sea of scalpers and eBay tycoons with delusions of grandeur. Amiibo days are bad enough, but when you throw exclusivity into the mix, well, let’s just say aspirin will be needed before the sun sets. I used to be a Toys “R” Us kid, you know. Now, I’m a battle-hardened Toys “R” Us elbow-thrower, icing a variety of wounds every few months just to get ahold of plastic, collectible figurines.

Yoshi’s Woolly World is actually launching a few weeks ahead of the gargantuan plush dino Amiibo, bringing the regular-sized green, blue, and pink yarn Yoshis along with it this coming Friday, October 16. We’ll be snatching the game up and giving it a whirl, so expect to get the goods on Woolly World soon. Whether or not the title is worth a look is probably irrelevant to the Amiibo hunters among us, especially when considering that Toys “R” Us declared the toy will be available in extremely limited quantities. Double sigh.
Source: Toys R Us
How do they think that by selling LESS merchandise, they’ll make MORE money?