Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have rightfully made a pretty big deal about the massive monster collecting franchise’s 20th anniversary, but probably the most worthwhile and exciting thing for those most into the actual video games has been the steady stream of free legendaries being given to owners of Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire. For June, gamers will be able to download Manaphy, the Water-type legendary that first made its appearance in Generation IV of the games.
Not only will Manaphy be available in the game, but the creature will also be the focus of some Toys “R” Us exclusive collectibles, including trading card game packs, a small figurine, and a larger stuffed plushy.
Manaphy will be available from June 1 through 24 and come July will be replaced with Grass-type Shaymin.
Source: Poké