When The Legend of Zelda was released in 1986, Japanese magazine Shonen Captain did an article on the game, featuring original artwork drawn by the publication that depicted Link not as a boy, but as a girl. Twitter user Kazzycom tweeted about this and included a few photos:
1986年に発売された、ある雑誌の一部。発売したばかりなのにリンクが女体化されている…? (勘違いしたのかな) #ゼルダの伝説 pic.twitter.com/U9o0igOfyl— カジコム/kazzycom (@kazzykazycom) March 29, 2019
The reason for the art is unclear. Kazzycom states that one theory could be that Shonen Captain chose to feature their female mascot cosplaying as Link, though they didn’t do this when other games were released, such as Ghosts ‘n’ Goblins. It’s also possible that they simply misunderstood who Link and Zelda were, and thought Link was a girl or that Zelda was the protagonist.
Perhaps the magazine didn’t have access to the game’s official art, but the article was written two months after The Legend of Zelda’s release in Japan.
We may never know the reason for the art, but what do you think happened? Was it a misunderstanding? A playful cosplay featuring Shonen Captain’s mascot? Let us know below.
Source: Kotaku