Limited Run Games is Releasing a Wii U Game

It turns out they lost *a lot* of money on their first and only game for the system.

By Jon Stevens. Posted 10/03/2018 13:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

News Desk Masthead - Wii U 3Limited Run Games, the distributor specializing in bringing digital games to the physical market, is getting ready to release its first (and only) game on Wii U.

Josh Fairhurst, co-founder of the company, broke the news via a deliberately vague teaser tweet:

Fairhurst didn’t provide any other information on what this mystery game is or when Wii U owners could expect to get their hands on it.

Limited Run Games traditionally focused on releasing physical versions of previously digital only games on PS4 and Playstation Vita. It later branched out to Nintendo Switch in 2018 with a physical edition of Thimbleweed Park, and has since gone on to release a number of physical games for that system. Still, it is somewhat surprising to see the distributor go back to Wii U for its next project.

What game do you think Fairhurst is hinting at? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Source: NintendoLife

One Response to “Limited Run Games is Releasing a Wii U Game”

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    Xeodrifter, Oddworld, or Octodad would make some sense since Limited Run has released them for other platforms, but the super-late timing leads me to doubt it would be one of those.

    Steamworld, Runbow and Shovel Knight already had other physical Wii U releases, so they’re out… Axiom Verge or Hive Jump, maybe?

    No idea. But, I’m eager to find out what it is, and there’s a better-than-slim chance I’ll actually pick it up, whatever it turns out to be. The Wii U has been calling to me lately, especially in light of the Switch’s full-price re-releases and paid-but-featureless online.

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