Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge is set for a summer launch, but apparently fans will be able to purchase both digital and physical copies of the game. Limited Run Games announced that it will be producing cartridges of the game that can be claimed directly from the LRG site as well as at select retailers. Here’s the announcement:
COWABUNGA! Kick shell with the boys in a bodacious beat-em-up on PS4, Switch & XBOX!
Our release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge comes to LRG + major retailers this year! Tune in to LRG3 on 6/6 for a Collector’s Edition reveal! Hang tight for more info, dudes! pic.twitter.com/Pbc5BW5fAr— Limited Run Games (@LimitedRunGames) May 24, 2022
The standard editions of the game come with reversible cover art evocative of the original TMNT arcade game, as well as sprite stickers and an art booklet. What’s more, a Collector’s Edition of the game is also on the way, with additional details set to be revealed on June 6. There’s still no release date for Shredder’s Revenge beyond the frustratingly nebulous summer window that has been provided, but hopefully more information will be announced soon. Are you looking forward to physical copies of Shredder’s Revenge? Tell us in the comments!
Source: Limited Run Games Twitter Page