Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Revealed

Lego and Star Wars continue their symbiotic relationship.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 02/02/2016 16:00 7 Comments     ShareThis

The combination of Lego and Star Wars in a video game was an odd concept at first, but it obviously paid off, turning Lego into a juggernaut video game franchise and resulting in some of the best Star Wars games of the past 15 years. Naturally, it only makes sense that the two entertainment empires come together again to celebrate the critically and commercially acclaimed rebirth of Star Wars as a movie franchise.

Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens promises to be more than a simple retelling of the movie with the trademark brand of Lego humor. Instead, the game will extend beyond the scope of the film to cover events leading up the opening text crawl, as well as feature some new additions to the gameplay formula. Along new modes like Blaster Battles, there are new mechanics such as Multi-Builds, items that be constructed into several different items to allow players to choose how the progress, and for the first time in the combined franchise, enemies will also be able to build up new ways to try and stop you.

The game will be available for Wii U and 3DS on June 28.

Source: Comic Book Resources

7 Responses to “Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Revealed”

  • 784 points
    Marc Deschamps says...

    This looks fantastic and I’m still obsessing over Force Awakens. Count me in.

  • 819 points
    Toadlord says...

    The Lego Star Wars games have been Traveler’s Tales at their best. Definitely down for this sequel.

  • 1594 points
    penduin says...

    I continue to be completely underwhelmed and uninterested in Lego games, even Star Wars ones. The generic handholder-platformer gameplay and the ADHD-paced, zero-subtlety presentation just do nothing for me.

    The SNES and Rogue Squadron trilogies, Shadows of the Empire, even Podracer all nailed it, but now all we get for Star Wars gaming are bland Lego spinoffs and an equally-bland EA online shooter. (Do I sound ancient yet? ;^)

    • 0 points

      Hey, it’s ok to be ancient!

    • 784 points
      Marc Deschamps says...

      Have you tried Disney Infinity 3.0? It’s probably one of my favorite Star Wars games in years!

      I understand the complaint about the Lego games seeming overdone, but they’re well crafted games with a lot of respect paid to the source material. I know some people would prefer they take more risks, but it’s a formula that works pretty well for them.

  • 0 points

    I swear, these companies don’t take risks anymore. These Lego games are like Call Of Duty, or Assassins Creed titles. Same ol’ same ol’ year after year, like sports games. I was going through my SNES library the other day, and those games were unique. Young Merlin, Paladin’s Quest, Pilotwings, F-Zero, Brain Lord, 7th Saga, Demon’s Crest, Earthbound, Flashback, Blackthorne, Actraiser, Starfox, etc, etc, etc.

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    … any excuse for more Rey in my life… #futurewife

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