Opposable Games has been raising money on Kickstarter in hopes of getting the funds to developer its upcoming dual screen tactical action game, Salvaged. With 15 days left in the campaign, the studio has announced that if the game reaches its funding goal, it will also develop a Wii U version of the game. Wii U seems like a natural fit for the game, which has you using your mobile device to control a team of four soldiers while you watch their shoulder cams on your TV. The studio says that the Wii U version will be built from the ground up, meaning that it won’t feel like a cheap port of the PC version. It seems like an extremely unique game, and if you like the idea, you can check out the Kickstarter here.
I’m always interested in games that dare to try new things, and I would love to see this game meet its funding goal, especially now that I can get it on my Wii U. A $25 pledge will get you a Wii U copy of the game, which seems very reasonable. What do you think of the game? Would you pledge to the Kickstarter, or rather wait and pick it up later down the road? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Kickstarter