It’s that time of the week again, folks, so strap yourselves in for another edition of Industry Chatter! It’s no secret that we’ve all got Skyward Sword fever here at Nintendojo, so it’s rather fitting that we’ve got Zelda gossip galore for you this week. So sit back, enjoy, and prepare to get excited.
A Link to the Past to be remade for 3DS?
Skyward Sword producer Eiji Aonuma has confirmed that Miyamoto has been considering remaking one of the 2D Zelda games for 3DS. In a recent interview with GamesRadar, Aonuma said that while he hadn’t been had thinking about such a project himself, Miyamoto certainly has:
“Well actually, even Mr. Miyamoto himself has been talking recently about going back to the 2D Zelda games, in particular the ones that were designed with multiple levels to the world like A Link to the Past, and taking those 2D graphics and recreating them in 3D so that you could get a sense for the depth of those worlds. That’s something that might be interesting to do, so I would say there might be a possibility of something like that in the future.”

A 3D Light and Dark World? Sign me up!
Don’t get your hopes up too much though, as Aonuma has already said that Link’s next 3DS outing will be an original title. Speaking with Portuguese site MyGames (and translated by Nintendo Everything), he said that “we are already preparing a new game, a game in the series for the Nintendo 3DS, but don’t think that it is a direct sequel to the Zelda titles released on DS.”
It could be some time then before we see any 3D remakes of some of our most beloved 2D Zelda games, but we can still dream the dream.
Aonuma’s hopes for Wii U Zelda
In the same interview with GamesRadar, Aonuma described what he hoped to take forward from Skyward Sword into the next Wii U Zelda game:
“We’re just getting started on it even as we speak, so I’m just worried that if I let something slip that’s off that mark… The feedback that I’ve been getting from a lot of people on Skyward Sword is that they like the game very much, so of course I think probably the most important thing that we’re focusing on right now is how do we take those elements that people seem to really love about Skyward Sword, and really bring that and connect that to what we do with Zelda on the Wii U while still continuing to evolve the game.”
When asked about how the next Zelda might utilise Wii U’s hardware, he said:
“Obviously, it’s the new controller that’s got the screen built into it, and in particular we’re looking at how we can combine that new controller with something like motion control, and perhaps use the new controller in such a way that it becomes a new item that you’re able to use to make the game feel fresh and new.”
Could we perhaps see Wii U controller’s being used as a shield to block incoming projectiles? We can only hope. Personally I think it would it be great to see Wii U’s controller being used as a kind of Lens of Truth, holding the controller up to the screen to reveal invisible enemies or items. Perhaps Link might turn into Samus and get an x-ray visor– who knows!
Unlikely theories aside, you can read the full interview with Eiji Aonuma and Koji Kondo here.
Scrapped Skyward Sword items could make it to Wii U Zelda
According to Official Nintendo Magazine, there were so many ideas for new Skyward Sword items that not all of them made the final cut! However, Aonuma has said that we may yet see these discarded ideas in Link’s next adventure.
“We had many ideas for new abilities in Skyward Sword. Some of them didn’t work and so we abandoned them. Some of them, though, we’re keeping. Even though we couldn’t make them work in this game, we felt they’re still good ideas. Maybe we can make them work on the Wii U. It’s possible you might see them in another game we make in this series.”
New Kingdom Hearts 3D details to be revealed shortly
And now for something completely different. Get excited Kingdom Hearts fans, because next week’s issue of Famitsu has promised a new feature update on Kingdom Hearts 3D.

According to Andraisang, it’s expected to reveal hot off the press information about the game’s new worlds, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for Kingdom Hearts news on November 24th.
And that’s it for this week. Are you itching for another Zelda game now that Skyward Sword has finally been released? If you’ve got any thoughts on this week’s Zelda-centric rumour-digest then be sure to let us know in the comments below!