Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns originally released on Nintendo DS back in 2011, but now publisher Marvelous has announced an updated version of the game for 3DS that will go above and beyond the original title.
In addition to improvement to the moment-to-moment gameplay, a choice has been added to the start of the game that asks players whether they prefer animals or fishing; a selection that seems likely to have an impact on how your farming adventure will progress. Also, Streetpass is being integrated into the game for the first time and it will allow players to share items with one another.
Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns+ will be released in Japan on December 14 but nothing has been said about a release elsewhere, though that could prove complicated. In Japan, the Harvest Moon games are both developed and published by Marvelous, however, Natsume retained the Harvest Moon name in North America which forced Marvelous to release newer entries under the Story of Seasons franchise outside of Japan. So, in order for this update to get a release elsewhere, there will likely have to be some name changing alongside some measure of cooperation among competitors.
Source: Nintendo Everything