Gunman Clive: HD Collection Has Only Sold 9,000 Units on Wii U

The title has managed to turn a profit for the developer, however.

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 01/18/2016 19:00 5 Comments     ShareThis

Developer Bertil Hörberg has revealed sales information for Gunman Clive: HD Collection and, sadly, the news isn’t all that impressive. Despite strong reviews, the title has sold just over 9,000 units on Wii U. That’s a significant decrease from the sales of both titles on 3DS.

That particular number does not include Japanese sales, but apparently the game did not make much of a splash in that territory. While the numbers could be a bit more impressive, Hörberg doesn’t seem too concerned about the game’s sales. The game has already proven profitable, and the Wii U and 3DS have a strong crossover in ownership, meaning that some fans likely skipped the HD release as they had already played both games. Hörberg has also pointed out that the Wii U game has performed “about 10x” than Gunman Clive 2 on Steam.

Have you checked out Gunman Clive: HD Collection? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: NeoGAF

5 Responses to “Gunman Clive: HD Collection Has Only Sold 9,000 Units on Wii U”

  • 0 points

    Nope, like the article says I already played it on 3DS. Getting sick and tired of paying over and over for the same game on a different system. These types of digital titles should be $9.99 and then be playable on both the Wii U and 3DS, AND should be able to be transferred to the NX if that ends up being possible.

    • 1297 points
      Robert Marrujo says...

      I respect where you’re coming from (I actually just wrote about this as it pertains to the Virtual Consoles for Wii U and 3DS), but (and I’ll preface this by saying I don’t have a horse in this race, this is just how I feel) I actually don’t totally agree when it comes to a situation like this. Just two people work on this series. It’s as indie as indie gets. It isn’t easy to put in the effort that they have to upscale everything from the 3DS versions to HD, and then have it pass through Nintendo’s process for approval to hit the eShop. A discount for people who have bought one or both of the games on 3DS (maybe determine how much of one based on if the customer bought one or both) would probably be a nice enticement for getting people to pay again to play, but in this instance I feel for the developers and it doesn’t grind my gears as much to see them double dip. Idk, is that being hypocritical or something? I’m more inclined to be bothered by this when it comes to bigger, more established developers, I guess…

      • 0 points

        You know, I didn’t even think about the fact it’s a real small indie title made by only two people. So, I agree. In this case I suppose I would buy it again, though it’s not at the top of my list, as I’ve already played the two titles to death. But, good point made. In the case of Nintendo titles, they should be cross-buy. Nintendo has the money, no need to keep fleecing people to death. The points you made in regards to that in your other article were perfect.

  • 9 points
    Abaddon880 says...

    The discount is a better idea. It is silly that gamers feel so entitled today over already low-priced titles. It’d be nice to gain an advantage for being supportive though.

    • 1379 points
      xeacons says...

      True. It is a great deal. But for those who have already purchased it, I just don’t see a need to buy it twice (or have it on two systems for that matter). At least, it did turn a profit. That’s what matters.

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