The success of Nintendo Switch was one of, if not the biggest, industry news stories in 2017. The console remained hard to find on store shelves for months after launch and it played host to multiple Game of the Year worthy titles. It’s been more than a year since the hybrid system hit the market and, according to GameStop CFO Robert Lloyd, demand for it remains steady.
“I think that we are seeing a very steady level of demand for Switch right now and a very steady level of demand for the Switch games,” Lloyd recently commented when discussing the first quarter of 2018. “It’s surprising when I read the reports on a weekly basis how well even Zelda, which launched a year ago, continues to do on a week-to-week basis.”
Considering how long Switch was almost impossible to find and the momentum it has continued to carry, it’s little surprise that the system and its software continue to sell well. Of course, that momentum is largely based on what games are coming out, so it will be interesting to see how this week’s E3 revelations will impact ongoing demand.
Source: Nintendo Life