Initially announced during Summer Game Fest 2024, Sid Meier’s Civilization VII was an unexpected but pleasant surprise for Nintendo Switch fans However, while many were happy to know the game was on its way to Nintendo’s hybrid console, there was still the question of when exactly it would launch. Well, thanks to Gamescom we now know: February 11, 2025. You can get your first look at the game in this clip:
Developer Firaxis Games says that this will be the biggest game they’ve yet made. The footage looks wonderful, but alas, it’s not yet known what it will look like running on Switch, which is notably less powerful than its competitors. Still, Sid Meier’s Civilization VI runs well enough on the system, so fingers crossed that Civilization VII does the same. Will you be picking this one up? Share with us below and on social media!
Source: Gamescom 2024 Opening Night Live