In a recent interview with Game Informer, Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Ohmori shared some thoughts about the challenges that come from bringing a main entry in the Pokémon series to Switch.
The developers are clearly trying to create a game that is fun to play both on-the-go and in the living room, with Masuda saying:
“What I’m really curious about, and really excited to see, will be the main way that people play the Switch. Will it be a home for the most part? Will it be out and about… Depending on the country, maybe the main style of playing will be different. As we’ve been saying a lot, we always focus on, when designing the games, thinking about how the player is going to enjoy it, and what kind of experiences they are going to have. I’m really just kind of excited to see where the main style of playing is going to land.”
The duo acknowledged that playing the series on a home console would make for a different experience, but didn’t go on to explain exactly how they were adapting the series to fit the hybrid nature of Switch.
You can watch the full interview below:
This is some of the first information that we have heard about the upcoming Pokémon Switch game following the surprise announcement at E3 in June. The only other detail that we really know at this stage is that it is unlikely to be released any time within the next year.
I’m personally hoping that the Switch entry will introduce the option of a more persistent online world — perhaps that might encourage me to venture beyond the single-player experience for once!
What would you like to see from a home console version of the pocket monster series? Let us know in the comments.
Source: Game Informer