Game Boy Turns 35

The handheld that revolutionized gaming on the go!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 08/01/2024 21:42 Comment on this     ShareThis

Game Boy is 35. If you feel the grays starting to poke through your mane, you aren’t alone. It’s hard to believe that so much time has passed since the handheld made its debut and revolutionized how people play video games on the go. Nintendo took to social media to recognize the milestone with the following post:

Although it wasn’t the first handheld gaming device, nor even the one to originate interchangeable game cartridges, Game Boy took lessons learned from predecessors like Milton Bradley’s Microvision and the company’s own line of Game & Watch devices to produce a console that set a precedent that virtually no one would ever top. With Nintendo Switch Online, players are able to relive some of the fun of that handheld, but nothing tops playing the real thing. So if you have a Game Boy, give it some love, and remember how much modern gamers owe to its numerous innovations.

If you’d like to learn more about Game Boy, give this handy retrospective we did a read.

Source: Nintendo of America X Account

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