Last year’s Pokémon Sun and Moon introduced Global Missions, special events that tasked every player around the world with contributing to a singular objective. This feature has been carried over to the recently released Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, and they didn’t waste any time in kicking off the first Global Mission. Unfortunately, this mission didn’t go too well.
From the game’s launch on November 17, up through November 27, players who registered in-game could join in on the hunt to capture 10 million Pokémon. Now the results are in and trainers around the world came up very short, only catching 5,442,088. Players will still receive a small reward for their participation, 1,000 FC for standard players and 2,000 for Global Link members.
Perhaps the developers overestimated their player base or maybe they simply set the goal unreasonably high. It’s also worth mentioning that the first Global Mission last year ended in failure as well, while future missions proved much more attainable, so hopefully that trend will continue for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
Source: Siliconera