First Sun and Moon Global Event Ends in Failure

Trainers fall well short of catching 100 million Pokémon.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 12/13/2016 17:00 Comment on this     ShareThis


Two weeks ago, the first Global Event was launched in Pokémon Sun and Moon. Players who synced their games could join in on the quest to capture a combined total of 100 million Pokémon with a potential reward of up to 100 Festival Coins. Unfortunately, the aim of this particular event seemed to be way too optimistic.

With the event closed, trainers only managed to catch a total of 16,423,231 Pokémon, which of course falls well short of the goal by a massive margin. Contributing to the event by syncing your game with the event guaranteed a minimum of 100 FC as a reward, though the reward has been bumped up to 200 FC perhaps because the developers realized they might have set their aim a little too high.


The next Global Event is planned to start later on December 27. The exact details haven’t been announced yet, though it will be based on the Island Scan feature in the game, so be sure to check back later this month for more details.

Source: Siliconera

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