First Gold and Silver Pokémon Have Started to Appear in Pokémon Go

Baby Pokémon are now available!

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 12/12/2016 19:30 Comment on this     ShareThis


Fans of Pokémon Go will be happy to know that the Pokédex has finally been expanded! Players can now acquire Pokémon that began appearing in the second generation of Game Boy titles, Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal.

Interestingly enough, the mobile game has not added all of the 100 Pokémon that debuted in the titles. Instead, the focus seems to be on Pokémon that could only be acquired from eggs in the original titles. Pokémon such as Togepi, Pichu, Cleffa and Igglybuff have all been confirmed, though there has been some speculation that Tyrogue has yet to be added to the game.


Fans can also acquire a special Pikachu, as well. Until December 29, a version of the popular Pokémon wearing a Santa hat can be found in the wild. If players evolve Pikachu into Raichu, the Pokémon will retain his hat. Loading screens have also been updated to celebrate the holiday, similar to the game’s Halloween event.

Are you still playing Pokémon Go? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Kotaku

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