Koei Tecmo earned a dedicated following with its Warriors franchise, which brought famous historical warfare to life with fantastically over the top, large scale combat. This notoriety has only expanded since the developer partnered with other big franchises to bring their unique gameplay to other famous worlds and casts of characters. The most successful, and arguably best of these, was Hyrule Warriors, which was a tour de force of fan service for the Zelda franchise. Nintendo already announced they would be partnering up for a similar crossover featuring the Fire Emblem series, but now we finally have some real details to report on the upcoming title.
First, Fire Emblem Warriors won’t feature characters from across the entire series; instead they have chosen to focus on Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Awakening, and Fates while also introducing original characters, as well. Like those games, you will be able to build bonds between characters, however you won’t see any characters getting married and having children together. Also, the series’ classic weapons triangle will be featured alongside a number of familiar character classes, including magic users, archers, and mounted units. Not much has been said regarding the plot other than that it will involve a “Shield of Fire” alongside some potential warps in space in time which could explain the various worlds coming together. Finally, the developers have announced their intent to have voice acting for the entire script and have already revealed several Japanese voice actors.
Development of Fire Emblem Warriors is roughly around 70 percent complete and Nintendo has already given an estimated launch window of fall of this year. With E3 only a few weeks away, hopefully even more details will be coming out soon.
Source: Nintendo Everything