Oh, the irony. A million years ago in the mid-1990s, Square infamously split from Nintendo to partner with electronics giant Sony to create Final Fantasy VII for the original PlayStation. Yet, but for Nintendo’s decision to opt for cartridges as opposed to discs, that game very likely would have come to Nintendo 64, instead. No one quite knows how much, if any, of Final Fantasy VII was created on that platform, but in the years since, Nintendo fans have become accustomed to the disappointment of seeing all mainline Final Fantasy installments come to other systems while their own play host to various spin-offs.
Well, Square Enix has decided to make up for lost time. Announced during today’s Nintendo Direct broadcast, it was revealed that Final Fantasy VII will be coming to Nintendo Switch, marking the first time that this landmark title has ever appeared on a Nintendo console. It won’t be coming alone, however. Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (which will now include online multiplayer!), will all also be arriving on Switch in 2019!
On November 6, World of Final Fantasy Maxima (originally a PlayStation Vita title) will arrive, followed later in the winter by Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy! In the meantime, fans can head right now to the eShop to download Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition, a port of the mobile adaptation of Final Fantasy XV, which is a fun game in its own right. It’s a veritable smörgåsbord of Final Fantasy software! It’s an incredible assemblage of software and proof further of just how viable and important Switch has become to the video game landscape. What are your thoughts on all this? Share with us in the comments and on social media!
Source: Nintendo Direct