The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the kingdom is launching on May 12, 2023, and there is a lot of excitement surrounding the release of this game. Breath of the Wild was a watershed moment in recent video game history and thus the expectations for Tears of the Kingdom are (fitting with the game’s exploration of sky) sky-high. However, while fans are clearly chomping at the bit to play the game, some are less than thrilled to hear that it will be selling at an MSRP of $70. This price point is becoming more common throughout the industry, particularly for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X games, but hasn’t impacted Nintendo fans until now.
Speaking with AP News, Nintendo of America President Doug Bowser spoke about all things Switch, including the price point for Tears of the Kingdom. Here’s what he had to say:
We look at what the game has to offer. I think fans will find this is an incredibly full, deeply immersive experience. The price point reflects the type of experience that fans can expect when it comes to playing this particular game. This isn’t a price point that we’ll necessarily have on all our titles. It’s actually a fairly common pricing model either here or in Europe or other parts of the world, where the pricing may vary depending on the game itself.
This will be a disappointment for many as it’s evident from what Bowser is saying that the $70 pricing won’t be limited to Tears of the Kingdom. Which future games will charge this $10 premium remains to be seen. Given the possibility that Tears of the Kingdom might even have DLC like Breath of the Wild did makes the proposition of paying $70 even less palatable for many.
What do you think of Tears of the Kingdom costing $70? Does it bother you? Are you indifferent? Do you support it? Let us know down in the comments!
Source: AP News