Dotemu Releases New Retrospective Video Metal Slug Tactics – The Legacy

Take a look at the history of the series and what the original devs think of the new spin-off!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 07/15/2024 12:16 Comment on this     ShareThis

The original Metal Slug launched back in 1996 in arcades and stunned the world with its spectacular pixel art graphics and tight, engaging run-and-gun gameplay. The series has gone on to release a number of sequels across the years, as well as multiple rereleases (including the excellent Arcade Archives versions from Hamster). In 2021, Dotemu announced that, alongside French developer Leikir Studio, it would be releasing a new spin-off called Metal Slug Tactics for Nintendo Switch. This title would be focused on tactical RPG gameplay while still boasting the series’ signature pixel-based graphics.

It’s been a few years since then and fans have been wondering when they’d finally be able to play the game. Sadly, we still don’t have a firm release date, but Dotemu is now claiming that the game will launch later in 2024. In the meantime, Dotemu has whipped together this lovely little retrospective video that details the origins of the Metal Slug franchise by interviewing some of the original developers. We also get to see some of the folks at Leikir and hear what the old team thinks of the new team’s work with Metal Slug Tactics.

As ever, it’s always a treat to see developers going in depth about the creative process behind making their games. In this case, it’s also fantastic to get to hear from the original Metal Slug developers, as their work was really influential and is still beloved by fans to this day. Once we have a solid release date for Metal Slug Tactics we’ll let you know, but in the interim feel free to give Metal Slug Attack some love and let us know what you thought of the retrospective video in the comments!

Source: Dotemu Press Release

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