Dex Releasing on Other Consoles First

Wii U version to have exclusive features.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 03/15/2016 15:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Wii U owners are, tragically, all too used to having to wait for games as Sony and Microsoft’s current gen consoles take precedence for many developers. Dex, a 2D side-scrolling cyberpunk RPG from developer Dreadlocks, is going down a similar path, albeit with a twist.

While Dex will be coming out on PS4 and Xbox One before the Wii U version, Nintendo fans won’t just be getting a straightforward port. With the additional time, the developers plan to implement new, exclusive features based around Wii U’s unique hardware and software features, with the GamePad and Miiverse getting specific nods. Altogether, it’s enough for the developers to describe the Wii U release to be the “definitive version” of the game.

Dex appears to be an interesting enough game already, so it will be worthwhile to see how the developers will be able to use everything Wii U has to offer to make a more compelling experience. Hopefully it will be worth the wait.

Source: Nintendo Everything

One Response to “Dex Releasing on Other Consoles First”

  • 0 points

    This game kind of looks like a Flashback/Blackthorne type of game. Haven’t heard of it, but will surely be looking to get it.

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