The casting of Ryan Reynolds as Detective Pikachu in the upcoming live-action Pokémon film made a localization of the Detective Pikachu 3DS game seem inevitable. This morning, The Pokémon Company officially announced the news, alongside a big new Amiibo that towers over the original Pikachu!
The Amiibo will apparently unlock hints and special videos to help stuck players. It’s certainly a notable release, given that no previous Pokémon game has had Amiibo released in support (the Pokémon Amiibo have all been from the Super Smash Bros. line). Hopefully, this will result in more releases, particularly when the next Pokémon game releases on Switch!
Detective Pikachu and its accompanying Amiibo will release in North America on March 23. Stay tuned to Nintendojo for more information as it develops!
The Pokémon Company