Casey Jones & The Junkyard Jam DLC Announced for TMNT: Splintered Fate

“Yes, dudes and dudettes, major-league butt-kicking is back in town!”

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 01/30/2025 18:19 Comment on this     ShareThis

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate is an excellent roguelike that, at its best, is a bit like Hades from a few years back. Formaerly an Apple Arcade excpusive, Splintered Fate made its way to Nintendo Switch back in July and has been a blast to play. Now, the game will be expanding a bit with an all-new chunk of DLC focused on everybody’s favorite slugger, Casey Jones. Take a look:

The expansion brings Casey into the fold with his own unique attacks in tow, including a ranged ability for tackling those out of the way sorts of foes. He’ll also be bringing some new baddies along for the ride: the Punk Frogs. In this case that means Genghis, Attila, Napoleon and Rasputin, and a newcomer named Gigi for some bizarre reason. Regardless, more Splintered Fate is likely only to be a good thing, so hopefully that turns out to be the case when it comes to Nintendo Switch on February 5, 2025.

Have you played Splintered Fate? What do you think of it? Share with us in the comments and on social media!

Source: Nintendo of America YouTube Channel

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