Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King, the open-world action-adventure title from Castle Pixel and FDG Entertainment that takes a heck of a lot of cues from Zelda, has reached a sales milestone.
The game has now sold more than 100,000 copies and, according to FDG Entertainment, this was largely down to the support the game received on Switch.
Congratulations @castlepixel for 100.000+ copies sold of #BlossomTales for #NintendoSwitch🎉 This humble development team, longtime fans of Nintendo games, almost went bankrupt after the Steam release..Then the Switch community came to the rescue.🤗Thank you so much!❤️
— FDG Entertainment (@FDG_Games) January 10, 2020
The game originally launched on Steam back in March 2017 before later coming to Switch at the end of that year.
Pre-orders for a physical copy of the game through Limited Run ended on January 3 and are expected to ship sometime in the spring. It’s currently available digitally in the Switch eShop for $14.99.
Have you played Blossom Tales? What do you think of it?
Source: Nintendo Everything