Billy Mitchell’s lawsuit against the video game database Twin Galaxies has come to a close. For those with long memories, you might recall that Mitchell’s troubles began back in 2018 when Twin Galaxies claimed his high scores in the original arcade version of Donkey Kong were illegitimate. Mitchell’s scores were stricken from the site’s official archive and even Guinness World Records followed suit. In 2019, Mitchell’s quest for redemption began when he pursued litigation against Twin Galaxies for defamation.
As the case carried on, Guinness conducted its own separate investigation and determined Mitchell had not cheated and that his scores were legitimate, reinstating them in their own record books. Now, Mitchell and Twin Galaxies have come to a settlement whereupon the former’s scores will be restored, albeit with the caveat that they’re in the “official historical database” of the website. Mitchell’s scores are not present on the live leaderboard for Donkey Kong hosted by Twin Galaxies, and Mitchell is also prohibited from submitting any future record-breaking scores in the future.
While that might not seem like the total victory Mitchell would have wanted, he appears to be pleased with the settlement, having released the following statement in response:
Twin Galaxies has reinstated all of my world records from my videogame career. Here’s my statement:
— Billy Mitchell (@BillyPacman) January 16, 2024
Today, January 16, 2024, Twin Galaxies has reinstated all of the videogame world records that I achieved in my career, effective immediately. Twin Galaxies’ statement on its website reads in pertinent part:
“In fair consideration of the expert opinion provided by Dr. Zyda on behalf of Mr. Mitchell, and consistent with Twin Galaxies’ dedication to the meticulous documentation and preservation of video game score history, Twin Galaxies shall heretofore reinstate all of Mr. Mitchell’s scores as part of the official historical database on Twin Galaxies’ website.”
I am relieved and satisifed [sic] to reach this resolution after an almost six year ordeal and look forward to pursuing my unfinished business elsewhere.
Never Surrender,
Billy Mitchell
And so we’ve come to the close of this protracted incident. Mitchell for his part continues to be active in the video game community, while Twin Galaxies is busy as ever highlighting player achievements on its website.
What do you think of the decision to reinstate Mitchell’s scores? Share with us below and online!
Source: Billy Mitchell X Account & Time Extension