Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Arrives in 2024

The cat’s out of the bag!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 11/29/2023 10:35 1 Comment     ShareThis

Things didn’t quite go how Ubisoft was planning when it came to the announcement of Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition. The GameCube hit had already been something of a known secret throughout the gaming community thanks to leaks earlier in the year. First there was an ESRB rating for the game that turned up, then there were sightings of the game’s achievements on the Microsoft Store page. The latest leak, however, was a bit more extreme—the game became visibly listed on the Microsoft Store and was even momentarily available to Ubisoft+ users.

Although Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition was swiftly removed, the proverbial cat is out of the bag at this point, as Ubisoft itself said in this X post acknowledging the misfire:

Although Ubisoft has had its hand forced to announce the game, further details won’t arrive until early 2024, which isn’t too far away. Beyond Good & Evil is a beloved third-person adventure game that dropped on GameCube back in 2003. Directed by Michael Ancel (of Rayman fame), it follows the exploits of resistance fighter Jade and her allies as they strive to get to the root of an evil alien conspiracy. It’s great to hear Ubisoft will be breathing new life into this classic game and we’ll share the details with you all as we learn them. In the meanwhile, let us know if you were a fan of the original Beyond Good & Evil back in the day!

Source: Beyond Good and Evil 2 X Account

One Response to “Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Arrives in 2024”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    This will likely be a no-brainer for me; I loved the GameCube original and happily re-bought it on PS3.

    I don’t want to get my hopes up, but I hope Ubi have noticed how well-received a good re-release can be (Quake 2, Metroid Prime), as well as how disappointing a half-assed one is (MGS Master Collection).

    In truth, the art style and presentation stand up well enough not to need much reworking, but I’d sure enjoy revisiting Hillys with some modern lighting and material rendering!

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